+30% conversions thanks to this Landing Page Template : The Complete Guide 🚀

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+30% conversions thanks to this Landing Page Template: The Complete Guide

In the world of web design, the Landing Page is much more than just a window: it's a real conversion lever. With the right structure and strategically placed elements, you can turn your visitors into loyal customers. Our Webdesign agency has perfected the art of designing effective Landing Pages and today, we are sharing our biggest secrets, accompanied by a free zoning template on Figma. 🤯

Why is a structured landing page essential?

A well-designed landing page is not only”beautiful“she must be efficient.

Here's why structure plays a crucial role:

  • Capture attention instantly : Internet users judge a site in a few seconds. A well-thought-out Hero section immediately catches their eye.
  • Guiding the user : A clear and intuitive layout (UX) directs your visitors to the action you want them to take, whether it's a purchase or a registration.
  • Maximize conversions : Each element (CTA, pricing, testimonials) has a specific and strategic role in convincing and converting.

Example: By applying effective zoning, our customers like Capygency saw their conversion rate increase by 30% on average.

Landing Page - Capygency
Landing Page - Capygency

The key steps to create a successful landing page

1. Understanding zoning: the basis of any Landing Page

Zoning is a step Essential in the design of your page. The aim is to define the location and organization of each key section:

  • NAV : Navigation should be discreet, to limit distractions.
  • Hero : This is the most important section. It must present a clear and impactful value proposition, accompanied by an attractive visual.
  • Features : Highlight your advantages or strengths with well-organized sections.
  • Pricing : If applicable, display your rates clearly and transparently, with convincing arguments for each offer.
  • CTA (Call to Action) : Your buttons should be visible and engaging, placed strategically to maximize clicks.
Hero section du template de zoning pour Landing Page de Noqode
Hero section of the Noqode Landing Page zoning template

2. Take care of each key section

A successful landing page is based on strategic sections:

  • Captivating Hero : Use a strong hook and a powerful visual to hold attention. Example: “Learn how to increase your conversions by +30% today!”
  • Social Proof : Add customer testimonials, partner logos or key figures to reinforce the credibility of your offer.
  • Quick and easy form : Reduce the number of fields needed to maximize submissions.
  • Full footer : Include links to your policies, contact information, and additional CTAs.

3. Optimize for conversions with powerful calls-to-actions

One Effective CTA should be clear, visible, and motivating. Use action phrases like:

  • “Download your free template now”
  • “Start today”

Position them:

  • At the top of the page, in the Hero section.
  • At the end of the key sections, to capture visitors who have gone through the entire page.

💜 Why use our free landing page template on Figma?

Chez Noqode, we designed this zoning model to simplify your creation process while ensuring measurable results.

Advantages of the model:

  • Structured and ready to use : Save time with a tested and optimized database.
  • Customisable : Add your colors, text, and images in a few clicks on Figma.
  • Designed to convert : Each section is designed to maximize your conversions.

👉 Download the free template here and start boosting your conversions today. 🚀

Case study: Capygency and its success with an optimized landing page

Our customer Capygency, an agency used this template to redesign its Landing Page. Result:

  • +30% conversions in one month.
  • Reduced bounce rate thanks to a clear and engaging Hero
  • Increase in qualified leads thanks to strategically placed CTAs.

By following these best practices, you too can turn your Landing Page into a powerful conversion tool.

To go (always) further: Discover our exclusive YouTube video 🎥

Discover all our secrets in this exclusive video where we share the best practices and strategies used by our customers to transform their Landing Pages. Our founder, Amaury de Luca, also introduces you to the famous free zoning template on Figma, specially designed to maximize your conversions and structure your pages in an optimal way.

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